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Spring Cleaning the Ayurvedic Way
This column looks into the Ayurvedic approach to cleansing and rejuvenation, in relation to one’s constitutional make-up, the doshas (vata, pitta, kapha) and the seasons.more
Spring Walker - Excerpt from Born to Walk
The effectiveness of our bipedal gait has been honed and matured by evolution over the last 4 million years. Walking on two legs was something of a compromise of mobility over stabi...more
Sprouting is the process of germinating seeds into sprouts which can then be eaten raw and which are nutrient dense. They are one of the easiest things to grow indoors, can be ready...more
I was looking at my friend Kathryn (name changed but permission to share). She is late fifties and reasonably active, she dances and does yoga. I noticed slight swelling of the ankl...more
A question which I am regularly asked deserves an honest answer. "How do you find the standard of massage therapist here compared with elsewhere?" The truth is that standards of tr...more
A pocket-sized device to defibrillate hearts, treat sports injuries, strokes, angina, back pains and irritable bowel disease (as well as pre-menstrual tension and post-surgical com...more
Starting School with a Hidden Illness
First day back to school is always exciting for children, students and parents. There is so much to organise, such as uniforms, sports kits and the dreaded shoe shop. This all adds ...more
Starving Amidst the Oceans of Energy
Dr Silvia Hartmann describes the 'energy body' as a system of complex organs, pathways and lines of communication and exchange. Ancient techniques such as acupuncture and Chi Kung ...more
State-of-the-Art Hypnotherapy Tapes for Health and Self-Improvement
Glenn Harrold is a fully qualified clinical hypnotherapist who, drawing on his training as a musician and his experience of state-of-the-art digital recording techniques and believ...more
Statin Statistics: Lies and Deception
The author takes the reader through a lesson in understanding medical statistics, acknowledging that most of us are actually afraid of statistics! He also notes than many medical p...more
Staying Flexible: Changes You Can Make to Improve Your Yoga Practice
When practising yoga, you should always look to improve our yoga technique and sometimes that involves changing our equipment, our attire, and mindsets. By staying open to adjustmen...more
With 31 million days lost to musculoskeletal conditions in the UK every year, protecting your back – or the backs of your employers – has never been more important.more
Staying Healthy At Work: An Actionable Guide
You spend a significant part of your life behind a desk. Desk jobs can be a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, it’s nice to not be a roofer working on top of a skyscraper. But ...more
STAYING SUPPLE – Letting Go of Extreme Opinions
Several months into the first year of the Covid pandemic I was getting out of my car when a smartly dressed stranger came up to me asking for directions to a local street. Having p...more
In this article David Molden explores how we can begin to achieve a healthy mind, body and spirit. He quotes a popular Zen story which teaches us to focus the mind on even the most...more
Aromatherapist Francoise Rapp shares some words of wisdom on the importance of forgiveness, both of oneself and of others, and learning to be less judgemental and more accepting an...more
This article focuses on the amazing properties, effects and use of the Stevia herb. The author explains why it supersedes others such as ginseng, mistletoe, Echinacea, etc, adding ...more
Stomp out the Stigma of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
“The real story about pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence is not that embarrassing conditions and symptoms exist; the story is about impact to women’s lives and that after 4000 ...more
Stop Being Sensible All The Time!
Using a vivid illustration of her own daring but amazing first experience of paragliding, Vera Peiffer spotlights the fact that as we get older we often slip into the same old rout...more
Stop Constantly Thinking and Start Consciously Living
Western philosophy for thousands of years has developed the belief that thinking is the foundation of existence - “I think therefore I am” according to Descartes. Thinking is certai...more
Stop Smoking - Positive Approaches
On any given day there are literally thousands of people trying to kick the smoking habit. Many experts agree that the best method to stop smoking is one which is non-invasive and ...more
One of the greatest gifts that came out of my NLP practitioner training was learning the magic of Metaphor. Neuro Linguistic Programming is, after all, about language and the art...more
Strategic Confusion in Health Issues
The abundance of confusion found within information on health issues is mind-boggling. Even searching for information on one topic can lead down a hundred other avenues, all with c...more
Streamlining Cancer Treatments: Choosing the Best of Complementary and Conventional Medicine
I am in a very privileged position having specifically worked as a cancer recovery strategist for almost 40 years. Age, experience and serving 15,000 clients during that period enab...more
Strengthening Digestion with Yoga and Ayurveda
This article focuses on our digestion and the ayurvedic wisdom of food and individual constitution (made up of Pitta, Vata and/or Kapha). The author touches on "where and how we ea...more
Stress - Inductive Factor for Increased Lactate Production - Evolutionary Path to Carcinogenesis
“The concept that cancer might in some way be related to stress or other emotional factors is probably as old as the history of recorded medicine itself” by Professor Doctor Paul J....more
Stress and Ageing: The Micro-Immunotherapy Approach
Stress has considerable effects on the immune function. Recent studies have suggested that the aging of the immune system (or immunosenescence) is, in part, closely linked to psycho...more
Stress and What to Do About It
Stress is a response experienced when a threat is encountered. A stressor is a stimulus that causes stress. Sudden and severe stress generally produces an increased heart rate, incr...more
Stress and Your Patient's Immune System
Stress management deserves to be considered the 1st approach and complementary care for all patient wellness protocols.more
Stress as Cause of Heart Attacks - The Myogenic Theory
The theory that heart attacks begin in the heart itself - the Myogenic Theory - and not in the arteries, was developed by my father-in-law, the Brazilian cardiologist, Quintiliano H...more
Stress at Work – Myths, Signs, Causes, Effects and Tips to Beat
Many people experience stress at some point in their lives. Stress is like a light switch; your mind turns it on automatically but you need to learn how to turn it off.more
Stress in the Workplace as Experienced by Men and Women
For the Simplyhealth/YouGov Everyday Health Tracker, YouGov commissioned a survey among its online panel between 26 - 30 October 2015, drawing on a nationally representative sample ...more
Do you want a stress free and successful life? Make this your best life ever by boosting your wellbeing, preventing stress and enjoying an energetic home and work life. Hansa Pankha...more
Stress, Diet and Body Acidification
This column focuses on optimal health created by a good pH balance- between the acid and alkaline in the body. Acid has a detrimental effect on the body as it can cause enzymatic d...more
Stress, Illness, Monks and Cab Drivers
The author discusses the effects of stress, in a current population of very stressed people, either by their jobs, the fear of losing their jobs, or not having a job. But just as c...more
Stress: Symptoms, Causes, Approaches for Stress Reduction
Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.more
An individual’s physical fitness depends on a vast number of components, and flexibility is only one of these. Although flexibility is a vital part of physical fitness, it is import...more
Stroke - David 19 Years of Age
The author presents a detailed account of an extremely articulate and vibrant 19-year-old straight A student's experience as a stroke victim, both pre- and post- his attack.more
Stroke Disease - Approaches to Rehabilitation
The main killer in the UK today is heart disease, the forbearer of stroke. Stroke affects over 100,000 people each year. Its effects of stroke are numerous and include problems wit...more
Structure and Function in Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy owes a huge debt to those visionaries originally from the osteopathic profession, who combined an intuitive understanding of the nature of the human organism wi...more
Structure and Grace: Aligning Spiritual and Physical Elements
In aligning structure with grace we see that the two elements make complementary partners in that they both require a knowledge of how to manifest a way to being that allows them to...more
Struggling with Weight Loss: Is your Fat Trapped?
You’ve been pummelling yourself in the gym and cutting down what you’re eating. And those spare tyres just won’t budge! Your fat feels ‘trapped’ and refuses to be lost. Is this some...more
According to the author the source of intelligence that requests mankind to proceed on a paradise journey of a lifetime is not written up in any textbook or holy books. The truth...more
The Korean language defines Su as hand and Jok as foot. Through stimulation of an array of correspondence systems mapped out on the hands and feet a wave of energy flows to organs a...more
Sublingual, meaning literally 'under the tongue' refers to a method of administering substances via the mouth in such a way that the substances are rapidly absorbed via the blood v...more
Subtle Energy - Myth or Reality?
The author, an analytical hypnotherapist and health kinesiologist, seeks to prove the existence and explain the mysteries of subtle energies.more
My personal journey of discovery into the mysteries of Subtle Energy Fields (SEF) began in 1975 when I had a Near Death Experience (NDE); it frightened the life out of me. At that t...more
This article focuses on success strategies that work, based on NLP’s most powerful tool ‘modelling’, such as a practical skill, what to look for in the people who produce succes...more
Success with Recurrent Viral Infections
One of the areas where homeopathy has a useful role is in the management of nonspecific ill health, where a person feels generally unwell and is often prone to recurrent viral infe...more
Successful Health Recovery Strategies
I run Healing Power of the Mind workshops at City Lit London in which learners are encouraged to adopt a positive attitude about their health, and write their own, or adapt other pe...more
Successful Health Recovery Strategies
There are brief strategies for achieving a better than average recovery from different forms of health adversity. i.e. ‘My successful stroke recovery strategy’, …,’Hip replacement o...more
A new Canadian study has found that sugar can cause reactions similar to those to cocaine. This will not come as a surprise to many people struggling with addictions to all things ...more
Sugar: Instant Energy or Sweet Poison?
Sugar and spice and all things nice, that's what little girls are made of. Yet, it is very early on in life that most women become aware that a moment on the lips can result in a li...more
Suicide - Is It All in Your Mind?
In this article, Harley Street therapist Christopher Paul Jones talks about Suicide and asks the questions, ‘is it all in your mind?’.more
Suicide – The Conversation You Need to Have
Think about the following scenario. You have been taken into someone’s confidence. You may even have agreed not to tell anyone else. The challenge is implicit – you must find a way ...more
Summer - And Its Aromatic Bounties
Barbara Payne describes the many different ways we can enjoy aromatic summer herbs, fruits and flowers, not simply by inhaling their beautiful aromas as they grow in our gardens or...more
This article focuses on the Sunflower Academy and the concept of its treatments: the Sunflower Therapy for children and Innate Maximum Potential (IMP) for adults, which combine the...more
Super Patch – Quantum Innovation
In 2021, David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian were honoured with the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for uncovering the existence of thermal and mechanical sensors within the sk...more
Superbugs: Is this the final warning?
Although critics of orthodox medicine's over-reliance on antibiotics have been sounding the alarm on behalf of a long-suffering public for at least the last ten years, previous war...more
Supercoherence Return to Love Frequencies - 21st Century Tools for 21st Century Challenges
Just a few years ago before the advent of email, it took several days for a letter to reach its destination. Even a local letter took a couple of days and a letter to a distant coun...more
Supervised Use of the FlexxiCore† Passive Exerciser in a Clinic Context
A class of passive exercisers that stimulate the nervous system, mobilise the back and release tension was invented in Japan about 20 years ago.more
I am sometimes asked by people if supplements are necessary if eating a balanced diet. In the first place, the concept of a ‘balanced diet’ is vague and a little meaningless for ma...more
Support and Care for Postnatal Depression
Although families throughout the world experience a great deal of joy surrounding the birth or adoption of a child, there are many parents who go through some degree of mental angui...more
Supporting Our Immune System - Plus Divulgence
We are bombarded, information-wise, from all quarters as to how we may reduce the possibility of contracting this globally, thought to be accursed, Coronavirus, but also to learn th...more
Supporting Women Through Pregnancy
Recently it was announced that the NHS aims to recruit 3,000 extra midwives to enable pregnant women to be supported by the same midwives throughout pregnancy and birth. This contin...more
Surrender: Its Relevance to Childbirth and Motherhood
The author begins by describing herself becoming very ill on a long journey, and continuing, even though she was only partly recovered, with a determination expressed by the mantra...more
In this issue Michael Levy looks at the concept of joy and how many of us are trying to find it in the wrong places. He points out that though people have more spiritual and medica...more
Survival and Transformation from Terminal Cancer
The author takes us on his remarkable journey of self-discovery that led to a total transformation of his whole Being and complete healing following a diagnosis of terminal cancer ...more
Surviving Candida - A Patient's Perspective
Candida is now becoming a more recognized complaint, although it is still difficult to obtain this diagnosis from a GP, even though Coeliac Disease and gradually ME are recognized i...more
Surviving Ruth White at Grimstone Manor
A teacher of Iyengar yoga, who also sells yoga accessories, such as mats, belts, blocks, videos, etc., the author says yoga is very much about “looking within”.more
Diet programmes rarely produce safe and effective methods of achieving fat loss. Indeed, America spends 36 billion dollars on weight loss programmes each year and it is a highly pr...more
Sustainable Healthcare: Just How Unsustainable is Orthodox Healthcare?
In this column, Dr Verkerk laments the over-reliance of people upon pharmaceutical drugs. Americans on average make over 1.1 billions visits to physicians or hospital outpatients d...more
Sutherlandia as Support for Immune Dysfunction
Dr Salmaan Dalvi, who runs a nutritional health screening clinic, has for several years been working with potent traditional African herbs which, through lack of proper study and d...more
Swimming Baths - Cold Cures and Warm Hearts
Jonathan Buckley, who has been cold water swimming ('ice swimming') at Tooting Bec Lido for the last 15 years, highlights the benefits that can be gained from plunging into icy wat...more
Symbionts and their Role in Health and Nutrition
In this article the author explains why Symbionts are key factors to health and wellbeing of the body, and what they are. Symbionts, he adds, have not been sufficiently researched ...more
This article describes the basic principles and applications of symbol therapy, a simple but highly effective therapeutic tool, which has been found to help a wide range of longsta...more
Symbology: Walking the Path to a Healthier Life
This article focuses on Symbology, a radical new breakthrough in the field of health care that goes beyond traditional medicine and reveals the real causes of disease and ill-hea...more
Symptoms and Solutions for Low Stomach Acid
“To eat is human, to digest is divine”. These words were uttered by the famous American writer, Mark Twain (1835-1910) and how true they are. Even the most nutritious food will not...more
Synchronize Mind and Body - Instant Brain Boosters
Do you ever get one of those days where your fingers and brain don’t co-ordinate? You may hit the wrong computer keys, or transpose letters in words you would normally spell correct...more
The workshop provides a supportive and non criticizing space in which you can work on all those negative messages you give yourself about not being able to do things. Learning to c...more
Tai Chi - Relieving a Painful Shoulder Injury
The author describes how the Chinese practice of Tai Chi can be beneficial in relieving many orthopaedic and sports injuries, including shoulder dislocation.more
Tai Chi for Health and Rejuvenation
Matthew Rochford, who has a professional qualification in Tai Chi and runs The Devon School of Tai Chi Chuan (part of the Wu Kung Federation), outlines the principles of Tai Chi, e...more
Tai Chi Happiness and Chi Healing: Interview by Aisling King with Master Choy
With all the doom and gloom we are subjected to everyday in newspapers and television, we really need to see more positive headlines like this in Ireland and everywhere. We are sur...more
Tai Chi’s Nine Steps to a Healthy Life
You are probably thinking “Oh no, not another meaningless guide to something none of us are likely to be able do”. Well you would be wrong, because this is achievable through a few ...more
The objective of Tai-Chi Push Hands is to learn how to harmonize the Yin/receptive and Yang/assertive principles, so that better health, communication and vitality can be achieved....more
Take a Deep Breath and Let Go of Stress
The article gives examples of cases in which the importance of breathing is emphasised, including an anecdote about a woman who, when having a potentially fatal heart attack, foc...more
Ellen had a miserable time with endometriosis for many years. She had been treated with danazol, then had difficulty conceiving, but eventually achieved pregnancy with the help of ...more
Take Control of your Fertility by Understanding your Luteal Phase
Deciding to have a child is an exciting time for any couple. But, for the 3.5 million women who suffer from fertility issues (NHS Statistics), it can quickly turn to disillusion and...more
Taking Control Can Do Wonders for Your Back Pain
Feeling in control makes us happy. We all like to know that it’s our decision what we eat, what we do in our spare time, what job we do, and generally how we live our lives. We feel...more
Taking Humour Therapy Seriously
Wendy Lawson introduces humour therapy as a significant aspect of integrated healthcare, as part of the three-way relationship between patient, carer and health professional.more
Homeopath Angela Jones shares her own experiences of a painful infected root canal which, after initial dental drilling, washing out and dressing, she successfully treated herself ...more
Ruth White writes from the point of view of the backbone in the context of a case study of a woman called Christine. Christine suffered from terrible back pain and had her backbone...more
Most of us live with far too many expectations – this is also one reason why expectations unfulfilled are awfully disappointing. Expectations reflect our behaviour, including fancie...more
Despite our ‘clash’ with the times, also convention, there has been a huge transformation of position in our minds – from the old to the new. This has been engineered by our progres...more
Despite its unfortunate image, there is a massive interest in the Tarot and more importantly, an acceptance that it works. It is precisely because it works that the time is ripe fo...more
Tatha Gallery and the Health Benefits of the Salutogenesis Model
The Tatha gallery is a cutting edge art gallery, run by health enthusiasts. It is situated on the southern banks of the river Tay and is drenched daily by the setting sun. The loca...more
In today's societies, natural medicine is becoming more mainstream. The baby boomers now make up a large portion of consumers in the natural products industry. Sales of herbs in th...more
Ruth White tells of her experience teaching yoga in Japan. She found the Japanese a delight to teach because of their will power and tenacity, their efficiency and their kindness, ...more
Teaching Yoga to Young Schoolchildren
Lidia Flisek, a qualified yoga teacher, initiated the Body Awareness project in a primary school six years ago, aimed at teaching schoolchildren important aspects of yoga.more
Techniques to Combat Stress & Anxiety at Work
Work-related stress and anxiety is something many of us will have experienced at some point in our careers. Whether it’s due to an impending deadline, a heavy workload or workplace...more
Teen Suicide Prevention and Awareness - I AM NOT OK
When I decided to produce a community service video I spoke to several fellow nurses to get their opinion on what type of video would have the most impact on our community. We came...more
Are you listening to your body’s communication of dis-ease and addressing it before it turns into a disease? Did you know that disease processes take 10-15 years to develop in the b...more
Tempeh is a fermented soybean product, made from cracked, cooked soybeans and inoculated with healthy bacteria, which give it a chewy, meaty consistency. The author highlights the ...more
John Minard, a practitioner of spiritual healing, discusses the implications of temper and outbursts, and how to overcome them. He uses the example of having his ideas interrupted ...more
Ten Alchemy Tidings for Authentic Living
The pressures of living in the twenty-first century have greatly expanded. In fact, as each year passes by, more and more stress and tensions appears to build up in the majority of ...more
Ten Steps to a Healthy Complementary Therapy Practice
Based on her 13 year career as a massage therapist, Celia Johnson sets out a 10-point plan to advise newly qualified therapists how to create a successful and fulfilling practice.<...more
Ten Steps to Health and Wellness
The authors explain that their work is the result of their own journey from complicated and life-threatening ill health, which was not resolved even though they had beenmore
Twenty-six bones, 31 joints, 20 muscles. These are the vital statistics of the foot. In spite of these numerous bones and muscles, arthritis in the joints of the feet, compared wit...more
Terra Quant Device for Shoulder Pain Double Blind Trial
TerraQuant is a unique device which combines Low Level Pulse Laser Therapy (LLLT), pulsating infrared radiation, visible red light and static magnetic fields, providing their syner...more
Testing for Alzheimer’s Disease – What Does and Doesn’t Work?
You may have heard of a search for new tests to find those most likely to get Alzheimer’s disease. But is this misdirected?more
The ALCAT test simply measures a change in the size of white cells after they have been incubated with individual foods, food constituents and food chemicals.The test ranks the foo...more
Thai and Swedish Massage Research Project
There are over 150 postures in Thai massage, the therapist will choose the ones most suited to the client’s needs, taking into account flexibility and contra-indications.more
Touch is and always has been powerful medicine. It soothes, relaxes, comforts and heals. Massage is the means whereby touch is applied in diverse ways to achieve these effects. Tha...more
The basis of this massage is working the energy lines. The main purpose is to clear blockages and allow energy to flow along these lines, known as sen. By working the body phys...more
Thai Yoga Massage - an Ancient Healing Art
The ancient tradition of Thai Yoga massage is a unique and powerful massage therapy, combining acupressure, gentle stretching and applied Yoga.more
That 'I' In 'Me' | Madras Courier
The philosopher Aristotle never thought in threes. From his law of contradiction, also labelled as the law of the excluded middle, to the binary logic of our modern computer program...more
A common cause of abdominal bloating is too many unfriendly bacteria in the gut, leading to a build-up of toxins, Gut flora imbalance can be influenced by stress, smoking, poor die...more
The 'G' Factor - The Benefits of a Gluten-free Diet
Detox diets are trendy. They avoid gluten like the allergenic protein it is. Found in wheat, rye, spelt, barley, oats, even in so-called gluten-free maize, it can cause headaches, ...more
The 'Production Line' to Cellular Nourishment
This article describes in detail the process of nourishment, beginning with the importance of being in an alert and calm state of mind so that the anticipation of food by the brain...more
The 10 Trendiest Air Purifying Plants for Your Home Office
The prospect of long periods of time spent in the home is upon us, therefore it might be worth considering ways we can bring the outdoors in. Not only have plants been very trendy d...more
The 10-Day Re-Balance Programme
The key to the success of this unique programme is the recovery of our intuition. Something that we are born with and its quality is largely dependent on our daily health.more
The 12 Best Apps for Tracking Your Health in 2019
The New Year is seen as a time of new beginnings and resolutions. It’s the perfect opportunity to make positive changes in our lives, which is why so many Americans make living a ha...more
The 15 Minute Salt Water Remedy
Negative energies affect people and cause them distress with their subtle black energy. Black energy can create a variety of problems such as depression, unclear thinking or malfunc...more
The purpose of this article is to underpin the mechanisms by which people manage their emotions using NLP, self-awareness and personal development as they have been led to use for t...more
The ABED Method™ - Managing Stress for Busy People
According to much research, anywhere from 75%-90% of all modern day illnesses have their roots firmly in stress. Stress is also the number one reason giving for staff absenteeism. I...more
This article reports on a recent study conducted by Middlesex University, London. It was based on unstructured interviews with a cohort of both patients and practitioners in bot...more
The Achievements of Two Sportsmen
June Butlin's column continues with the theme of Sports Nutrition from an holistic perspective and this month she reviews the activities of two former patients who benefited from m...more
The Acmos Method - An Engineering Approach to Health and Well-being
When we think of the human body we tend to think in terms of structures, fluids and chemicals. These fluids within structural spaces - organs, vessels etc. can be likened to the che...more
The human eye is believed to have evolved out on the plains of Africa, with distant horizons, bright natural light giving a small pupil size (and without paperwork), it could keep ...more
The Alaska Back Pain Protocol – Who's It For and How Does It Work?
The Alaska Back Pain Protocol (ABPP) was developed in 2001 to treat people with back pain and it has helped 9000+ people.more
The author is Director of The School of Natural Cookery and Life Energetics, which offers weekend courses in wholefood cookery, natural lifestyle and food energetics. It is said to...more
The Alchemy of Cooking: Our Children, Our World
This article looks at the importance of nutrition and correct supply of nutrients for the rapid growth and healthy development of children.more
The Alchemy Of Voice – Transform and Enrich Your Life
The author the practice of an African tribe, in which the heavily pregnant woman is taken into the bush by her sisters, who listen for the ‘song’ of the unborn child, and return to ...more
The Alexander Barrie System Of Pelvic Correction
The author, a Registered Shiatsu Practitioner and Registered Cranio-sacral Therapist, has developed a system for correcting the position of the pelvis through observation, empirica...more
In this article I would like to go over the main themes that form the foundation of the Alexander Technique, and explain them to you in a way that I hope will make them clear, and ...more
The Alexander Technique: Indispensable for Optimum Health
If you were given the option of acquiring an indispensable strategy for optimum health, what would stop you from doing so? ..."You can have anything you want in life, but you do ha...more
Allergic diseases are increasing world-wide. It seems that we cannot adapt to the environment we are creating, and the allergy volcano is erupting fast. Western scientific based me...more
The Anatomy and Physiology of Sex, a Eulogy and other matters
What do sex and pain have in common? Each person can answer this in their own way; there are lots of possibilities. For me, they are both subjects on which so much has been written...more
The Antimicrobial Activity Of Selected Silver Products
The antimicrobial activity of a group of silver-based products was assessed by comparing their ability to kill MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus). Silver has been us...more
The Application of Massage in Psychogenic Disorders
It is well known that massage relaxes us and can benefit us on emotional levels, but can it help with more complex behavioural and neurological dysfunctions? Recent research has be...more
The Arguments for Eating Organic Foods
If you are truly motivated to protect your health and sharply reduce your risk of breast cancer as well as other cancers, you will want to make the effort to purchase organically p...more
The Arguments for Resonance, Health and Harmony
The author sets out several propositions critical of the germ theory of disease, among them the information that many individuals who carry germs do not become ill because of them,...more
In spite of the constant movements of the ribs, broken ones usually heal beautifully. The case of the broken rib exemplifies the awesome healing power of the living body.more
When you are involved in a quarrel, a bitter relationship starts, and you or your opponent will find out an opportunity to humiliate each other. Unless it happens, both the parties ...more
This article, written by a former lecturer in psychology, discusses taking responsibility for our own lives, learning from past experience, making choices of how to behave, learnin...more
The Art of Letting Go - A Taoist Approach
This article focuses on surrendering – letting go – a simple concept yet one of the most difficult to carry out, as it requires a lot of practice and rehearsing. Our challenge in l...more
The Arthroses An overview including dietary guidance
The arthroses is a collective term for ALL forms of arthritis, whatever their source of origin and cause. There are many various forms of arthritis with many different causes. Th...more
Currently, the mortality rate for England and Wales is just under 2,000 per annum. Yet in 1929 Conybeare's text book of medicine, a standard 'bible' of medicine at that time, state...more
The Astrological Sun Signs Part II: Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio
This article makes detailed connections between the astrological sun signs and representative types of food which resemble them, and contribute to health, for all of us, but partic...more
The Astrological Sun Signs Part III: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces
This is a continuation of the author’s series discussing the affiliation of the astrological sun signs with foods.more